Pediatric Pearl: UTI (February)

FEBRUARY UTI – Hima Khamar Pediatric Urinary Tract Infection By: Hima Khamar, PGY3 In a previous pediatric pearl, we discussed how to treat febrile infants below 60 days. This pearl discussed management of pediatric urinary tract infection (UTI), but also discusses patients above the age of 60 days with a fever with no obvious source …


Presenting Resident: Katrina D’Amore, PGY4 Chief  Complaint: Palpitations Brief HPI: 36 y/o F G4P2012 at 18 weeks gestation presents complaining of palpitations that began this morning. Patient reports a history of “SVT” multiple times in the past and she even underwent ablation in 2012.  Patient states that “Adenosine never ever works for me.” Patient  denies …


TRANEXAMIC ACID (TXA) By: Hima Khamar M.D., PGY3 Tranexamic acid (TXA) has become a huge asset in the world of emergency medicine when it comes to controlling hemorrhage. The main use in the ED is in traumatic hemorrhage, but there are many other uses for TXA. In this article, I will discuss some of the …