Mycoplasma Pneumonia-Associated Mucositis

A 15-year-old female, with no past medical history, presented to the pediatric emergency department with cough and fever after being discharge with a diagnosis pneumonia two days prior. A chest x-ray on her first visit showed a single left lower lobe infiltrate and she was subsequently prescribed amoxicillin for suspected community acquired pneumonia (Figure 1). Upon return to emergency department, the patient complained of worsening symptoms, including dysphagia, secondary to sores in her mouth that developed after being discharge.

Congenital Pediatric Heart Disease

Congenital Pediatric Heart Disease – Board Review  (PDF with pictures) Basic Pathophysiology Fetal Circulation Have shunts to bypass liquid filled lungs Oxygenated blood from mom goes through placenta into baby via umbilical vein Half the blood goes to liver Half goes to ductus venosus to inferior vena cava where it mixes with deoxygenated blood returning …