UMEM Emergency Cardiology Symposium PEARLS
Every year we love going to the University of Maryland Emergency Cardiology Symposium hosted by Dr. Amal Mattu. Check out our PEARLS from this year’s lectures on Cardiology Conundrums!
Every year we love going to the University of Maryland Emergency Cardiology Symposium hosted by Dr. Amal Mattu. Check out our PEARLS from this year’s lectures on Cardiology Conundrums!
Is ST-Segment Elevation in Lead aVR Getting Too Much Respect? Check out another Cardio Case of the Week.
Dr. Mike Hong PGY-4 presents a case and excellent review for the management of pneumonia in the pediatric population.
CC: Chest Pain HPI: 49-year-old female brought in via ALS presents complaining of Chest pain. As per the Paramedics, the patient was found to be in no acute distress, stating she had exertional chest pain, which had subsided. The pre-hospital ECG was suspicious for ischemia and she was given ASA. Patient states she was walking home …
Check out this month’s Pediatric Pearls on Bronchiolitis brought to you by our own Dr. Hima Khamar PGY-2!
Varicella-zoster virus Varicella (chickenpox) is a highly contagious disease caused by primary infection with varicella-zoster virus (VZV)2 and may cause maternal mortality or serious morbidity > Reactivation of latent infection, usually many years after the primary infection, may result in herpes zoster (shingles), a painful vesicular eruption in the distribution of sensory nerve roots2 > …
CC: Left leg pain HPI: 52 year old male with PMH of IDDM presents to the Emergency Dept. (ED) with left leg pain for the past 9 days which has become progressively worse. He is a taxi driver and reports that a part of the seat, which supports his legs, has been rubbing against his …
As part of our EM training at St. Joseph’s University Medical Center we are lucky to receive additional training in alternative methods of analgesic delivery in the ED. Some of these alternatives include ultrasound guided regional nerve blocks, nonnarcotic infusions and injections, nitrous oxide, and the list goes on. Today’s post is a review of our Nitrous program developed by Dr. Alexis LaPietra.
CC: Can’t see for 2 months HPI: 10 year old male with no significant past medical history presents to the Emergency Dept. complaining of painless vision loss in the right eye for 2-3 months. Patient states he has been having difficulty seeing out of his right eye for 2 months despite changing positions in class, …
Hi all. I wanted to bring to your attention a great case. The case was a young woman with relative euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis. This diagnosis used to be quite rare and associated with pregnancy or very poor PO intake. However, with the use of SGLT2 inhibitors (which this young woman was taking) the incidence is increasing. The diagnosis highlights some very important factors about the treatment of DKA.
CC: Nausea and vomiting and “ I think my sugar is low” HPI: 36-year-old Female with PMH of Diabetes presents to the Emergency Department complaining of multiple episodes of non-bloody, non-bilious vomiting for the past 5 days. Associated symptoms include chills and a mild sore throat. Denies fever, HA, neck pain, chest pain, SOB, abdominal …
CC: “Post Surgical Pain” ; Abdominal pain HPI: 8 year old Male with PMH of Sickle Cell Disease (HbSC), Post-opt Day 10 for laparoscopic splenectomy for recurrent sequestration crises presents to the Emergency Department (ED) complaining of abdominal pain x 2 days. The pain is described as diffuse and worse in the RUQ. Denies exacerbating …
Brief review of this week’s EM Conference Pearls. Topics include pediatric congenital heart disease, EBM in EM, and Aortic Dissection!
CC: Altered Mental Status HPI: 50 -year-old Male with PMH of HIV, CVA and Meningitis presents to the Emergency Department (ED) for altered mental status. As per the patient’s girlfriend at bedside, the patient woke up confused and was not making any sense when he spoke. He even urinated on the floor but does not …
CC: Numbness and palpitations HPI: 21-year-old Female presents to the Emergency Department (ED) complaining of palpitations and left arm weakness with perioral numbness, which began just prior to arrival. The patient states the episode lasted 30 minutes before completely resolving on its own. In the ED, she denies any other complaints except for a mild …